Check out our new pdf SATs Arithmetic Book! Over 1200 Practice Questions!
Now just £7.50!

Arithmetic Practice Tests
Our newest resource is here! The Year 5 and 6 arithmetic programs now go beyond creating unlimited tests - you can create personalised tests for children based on what they need to work at!
The Year 6 program even has the option to view a teaching video for every single question! (Year 5 Videos coming soon)

Matches the style of the Y6 SATs paper
Generate unlimited tests using the Excel program
Ideal to track progress through the year
Personalise tests to suit children's need
Watch teaching video (Year 6 only) for each question - ideal to help children working at home!

Arithmetic and Reasoning Bundle - Currently just £15!
The tests below do not currently come with the personalised element - but rest assured that we are working hard to bring these to you soon!


For school orders, if you prefer to pay via invoice, click here to download an order form